These are not something new. These are the industry best practices that many of you already know. But it's better to refresh this knowledge once in a while. So Without any further talking let's go to the point.
Validation must be included both on the server and client side.
Hazardous characters should not be allowed (e.g. <> " ' % ( ) & + \ ' "*#;--).
All data going for SQL, XML, and LDAP* should be sanitized.
Passwords should be saved as a one-way salted hash (MD5 is easy to break).
Instead of showing "Invalid username" or "Invalid password" just use "Invalid username and/or password“.
Changing temporary passwords & Strong password policy should be enforced.
The account should be temporarily disabled after a specified number of invalid login attempts.
Temporary information (e.g. OTP) should have an expiration time.
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) should be prevented.
Authorization decisions should be made from the server side.
Access to files or other resources should be authorized.
Sensitive information like stack trace should not be disclosed in error responses.
Try to handle most of the errors on the client side and custom error pages should be constructed.
Logs should contain log event data like validation failures, authentication attempts, apparent tampering events, exceptions, and administrative function failures.
Sensitive information should not be logged and log access should be restricted.
Users should get only the required data that is needed to perform their tasks.
Cached or Temporary copies of sensitive data stored on the server should be protected.
Highly sensitive information should be encrypted.
Server-side source code should be protected from being downloaded by a user.
Unnecessary application and system documentation should be removed from the production server.
Sensitive information should not be in HTTP GET request parameters.
At minimum operations like Login, Registration, Access to personal data, Change of password & Password reminder function should be encrypted.
Servers, frameworks and systems should be in the latest stable version with security patches.
Directory & directory structure listings should be turned off from the server and unnecessary functionality, files test code or any functionality should not be in production.
Info related to OS, server & app framework should be removed from HTTP response headers.
Isolate the development server from production.
Variables should be strongly verified before sending into database queries.
The database should be accessed using a secured user with the lowest privileged.
Default passwords should be changed.
Any accounts that are not required should be disabled in servers and databases.
User-supplied data should not be passed to the dynamic execution function. For example eval.
Execution privileges should be turned off on file upload directories.
Use Secure Upload (check file size, change file name, check extension).
Directory or file paths should not be passed, use index values mapped to a pre-defined list.
All input strings should be truncated to a reasonable length.
Allocated memory should be securely freed.
Calculation errors should be avoided by understanding how the language handles numbers.
Encrypted and Secured channels should be used to transfer the code from the host server.